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Water-saving yield-enhancement efficient irrigation technology in four northeast Chinese provinces
Time: 2017-10-13 | Hits:

A meeting was held to exchange academic achievements of the “Research and scale demonstration of water-saving yield-enhancement efficient irrigation technology in four northeast provinces”, which is a key project supported by the Key National Science and Technology Program during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period and led by IWHR.

The research teams reported the results of research in recent years while the project leader Xu Di gave a concluding remarks on academic exchanges, systematically summing up the research results and shortcomings since the project was kicked off, offering proposals and stressing that the research should focus on the tasks of the project.

Read more:
 ·Research and demonstration of efficient water-saving irrigation system for water and fertilizer inte
 ·Evaluation research on ecological and yield-increasing effects of water-saving irrigation in northeast irrigated area


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