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State-sponsored research to study efficient irrigation technology and demonstration for large-scale application in Northeast China region
Time: 2017-06-08 | Hits:

IWHR’s Department of Irrigation and Drainage is doing a state-sponsored research to study efficient irrigation technology and demonstration for large-scale application. The research aims at saving water and increasing yields for the Northeast China region (Heilongjiang Province, Jilin Province, Liaoning Province, and eastern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region).

A review meeting was recently conducted and the topics discussed include the focus of the research, regional characteristics of technical integration and demonstration area construction, long-term operation and management mechanism, expected achievement and third-party assessment of benefit indicators, preparation of video materials, etc.

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Northeast China Plain

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 ·Integrated Precision Control Technology and Large-scale Application of Spray and Micro-irrigation
 ·Research and demonstration of efficient water-saving irrigation system for water and fertilizer inte
 ·Book published on surface water flow and solute transport in basin fertilization irrigation
 ·Study and application of precision regulation principle and technology of water and fertilizers for sprinkler and micro irrigation
 ·Water saving and salinity control irrigation techniques for farmland and system optimization


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