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Research to investigate the basic resources environment of underground drinking water sources in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
Time: 2017-04-13 | Hits:

The establishment of a research to investigate the basic resources environment of underground drinking water sources in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region was recently approved, with IWHR as its project leader.

Through basic hydrological, geological and environmental survey of the underground drinking water and protection areas, the research will comprehensively, systematically and dynamically assess and predict the safety of these areas, analyze the impacts of new factors such as water cycle variation, establish relevant resources and environmental database and information platform for management, protection and innovation, and propose suggestions on groundwater sources management and protection to jointly coordinate the water security in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

Read more:
 ·Evaluation Criteria for Rural Drinking Water Safety officially issued
 ·Survey on the Environmental Status of Basic Resources of Groundwater Drinking Water Sources in the B
 ·Training and Promotion Meeting of Rural Drinking Water Disinfection and Water Quality Testing Technology
 ·Promotion and application of integrated drinking water disinfection technology for rural areas
 ·State-Sponsored Research Program on Integrated Technologies of Rural Drinking Water Supply


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