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Research on rural drinking water disinfection and water quality inspection technology
Time: 2016-07-05 | Hits:

The Department of Irrigation and Drainage, IWHR undertakes a state key research project on drinking water disinfection and water quality inspection in towns and villages, which focuses on four fields including the development of disinfection device of drinking water and its dosing system, research on disinfection technology and mode, development of water quality inspection technology and device, and the modes of water quality inspection in concentrated water supply projects in towns and county-level supervision enforcement.

Outputs from the project include: 10 sets of disinfection and dosing systems applicable to concentrated water supply projects, medium-small scale concentrated water supply projects and household water supply; two sets of drinking water quality inspection devices; four sets of drinking water quality inspection and on-line monitoring devices commercialized; five sets of disinfection technology modes; two sets of water quality inspection technology modes; 15 project pilot sites; four demonstration counties and seven industrial bases.

Read more:
 ·Environment Flow Analysis and Key Technology of Comprehensive River Basin Regulation
 ·Evaluation Criteria for Rural Drinking Water Safety officially issued
 ·Survey on the Environmental Status of Basic Resources of Groundwater Drinking Water Sources in the B
 ·State-sponsored research to study efficient irrigation technology and demonstration for large-scale application in Northeast China region
 ·Research to apply key water supply technologies in rural and pastoral areas in northwest China’s Qinghai Province


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