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发布时间: 2017-08-01 来源:
为促进学科发展和学术交流,水资源研究所邀请日本上智大学全球环境研究院院长(Director of Institute for Studies of the Global Environment, Sophia University)黄光伟教授做学术报告,报告题目为《干旱半干旱区水资源可持续性管理的综合解决框架(An Integrative Solution Framework for Water Sustainability in Arid and Semi-arid Regions)》,欢迎感兴趣的职工和研究生参加交流!






报告人简介:黄光伟博士现任日本上智大学(Sophia University)教授,并任该校全球环境研究院(Institute for Studies of the Global Environment)院长。他在日本东京大学(the University of Tokyo)获得博士学位,曾任东京大学、金泽大学和新泻大学的副教授,以及日本国家政策研究院与联合国教科文组织水灾害与风险管理中心联合教育计划的教授。黄光伟教授的主要研究领域为综合流域科学与管理。

报告内容摘要:This work is a trans-disciplinary undertaking aiming at innovative water management in arid regions. Based on a case study, an integrative management scheme was proposed, combining wastewater reuse in agriculture, wise use of wetlands and fertilizer management as an engine toward achieving sustainable development in arid and semi-arid regions. This study was also designed to address a key but very much neglected question about wastewater reuse in irrigation: does wastewater irrigation lead to reduction of chemical fertilizer use and increase of crop yield? Through a questionnaire, it revealed that there is a misperception among farmers about wastewater, which led to no-reduction or even increase in fertilizer use with wastewater irrigation as compared to river water irrigation. It also showed that crop yield was not increased with wastewater irrigation under the current practice.


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