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发布时间: 2017-03-21 来源:

    应流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室研究方向一、水资源研究所的邀请,国际水利与环境工程学会(IAHR)副主席安杰洛斯·芬蒂卡基斯(Angelos N. Findikakis)将于2017年3月22日(星期三)来我院进行学术交流并作专题报告,介绍美国加州的地下水管理工作,欢迎各位专家、学者和研究生到会交流。

    报告题目:Groundwater Management in California

    报告人:Angelos N. Findikakis





    报告人Angelos Findikakis简介:

    Dr. Angelos N. Findikakis is Senior Principal Engineer and Bechtel Fellow, Bechtel National Inc., SanFrancisco, California, and Consulting Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, California. Meanwhile, he is the functional lead of the Hydraulic & Hydrology Group in G&HES. He is a specialist in water resources, is interested in Civil Engineering and Hydrology. He was involved in the environmental restoration of Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela, the largest lake in South America. His team’s work was to assess the current hydrodynamic and water quality conditions in the lake and its ecosystem and evaluate different environmental restoration options, including the relocation of several major oil loading and processing facilities.

    Angelos N. Findikakis博士是世界最大的工程、建筑和管理公司之一,百持台尔公司的首席专家,美国斯坦福大学咨询教授,同时也是G&HES公司水力和水文团队负责人。他在环境和水资源的研究方面、特别是地表和地下水污染问题有广泛经验。曾参与南美洲最大湖泊,委内瑞拉马拉开波湖的环境修复工作,负责湖泊的水文动态和水质条件评价、原油处理设施搬迁等修复措施的效果评估。


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