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IWHR participants win highest awards in the National Water Science Popularization Contest
Time: 2021-05-17 | Hits:

The second Chinese National Water Science Popularization Contest, co-hosted by the Publicity and Education Center of the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources (MWR), IWHR and Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute under the supervision of MWR’s Department of International Cooperation, Science and Technology, was successfully held in the provincial capital Zhengzhou of China’s Henan Province on May 11, 2021. A total of 72 participants from surbordinate institutions of the MWR and provincial Water Resources Departments took part in the Contest.

Mm. ZHOU Hong, an expert from IWHR won the First Prize with her brilliant presentation on smart dam construction. She will continue to attend the Chinese National Science Popularization Contest later in 2021 on behalf of MWR as one of the three First Prize winners.

Dr. ZHANG Dawei, anther expert from IWHR who talked about engineering for flood control, won the Second Prize.

The Contest was a warm-up event for the 2021 Chinese Science Week from May 22 to 28. It aims to popularize scientific knowledge, encourage scientific thinking, promote scientific approaches and foster scientific spirit, and help water professionals improve their presentation skills for science popularization, thus improving public water literacy and boosting high-quality development of the water industry.

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