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Celebrating the International Youth Day: IWHR encourages the young to be rising stars in the water future
Time: 2020-08-12 | Hits:

August 12 marks the International Youth Day. The theme for 2020 is “Youth Engagement for Global Action”, which highlights the need to engage young people at all levels of society in national and multilateral institutions and processes. The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres gave a speech on this particular day praising young people’s bravery to take responsibility for a better future of mankind.

IWHR attaches great importance to nurchuring  its young talents. About 160 young engineers have been funded to participate in project collaboration, technical exchange, short-term training, international conferences, study tours, and other international exchanges. Staying on pulse with their peers around the world, the young experts can gain a more intimate insight into the emerging trends of research and development and learn about the most up-to-date models, technologies and facilities. They constitute an aspiring and refreshing force at IWHR.

The young water professionals at IWHR are also getting increasingly better at telling the China story. They are not shy of introducing the Chinese solutions, including China’stheories, best practices, and technologies, to the worldwide audience.

IWHR funding young professionals in international cooperation and exchanges

Aside from encouraging the young to go abroad, IWHR also organized  multiple events in China, such as --seminars, training programs, camps, etc. to facilitate the face-to-face brainstorm of the young.

IWHR worked with GWP on hosting “The Belt and Road, The Able and Young” International Youth Seminar in October, 2018

IWHR held the “Belt and Road” Training Program for Asian Young Professionals on Performance Assessment of Irrigation Systems in April, 2018

IWHR cares about the pratical needs of the young professionals. Addressing the need to write quality science papers, on July 16 2020, IWHR held an online seminar in coorperation with the International Association for Hydro-environment Engineering and Research (IAHR). The chief editor of the Journal of Ecohydraulics was invited to reveal the keys to good research papers. The seminar won broad appreciation from participants around the world.

Playback and slides of the seminar are now available on:


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