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Comprehensive Analysis System for Monitoring the Condition of HM9000 Hydroelectric Generator Unit
Time: 2008-07-14 | Hits:

It is an inevitable trend of current hydroelectric operation and guarantee technology development to conduct research on the system of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of hydroelectric generator units. Newly-built power stations and pump stations all require the system of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis. This project conducts independent research on the system of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of hydroelectric generator units.

Major research contents of this project include:

(1) Specific characteristics of hydroelectric generator units

(2) Solutions to the technological difficulties in hydroelectric generator unit condition monitoring system structure, remote monitoring technologies, indication acquisition technologies and the fault diagnosis

(3) Establishment of comprehensive analysis system of HM9000 hydroelectric generator unit condition monitoring

By introducing dynamic simulation technologies to the field of hydroelectric generator unit condition monitoring, this project brings about new strain of thought for hydroelectric unit condition monitoring. By adopting the model of combining the remote and local data acquisition and transmission, and comprehensively utilizing such two major technologies as intellectual data access to selective quantities of data according to specific working conditions and remote data transmission based on fast and compacted time frequency. The popularization and application of this system will enhance the safe and economical operation and modern management level of the hydroelectric generator units in China, producing sound economic and social benefits.

Application of HM9000 System in Taipingwan Power Plant

Main Interface of HM9000 System

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