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Tianjin Institute of Hydroelectric and Power
Time: 2019-07-02 | Hits:

Scope of business

 ?  Efficient hydraulic-model of hydraulic machinery (pump) technology
 ?  Automatic component (device) manufacturing technology
 ?  Integrated control system technology
 ?  Smart grid device
 ?  Power transmission and distribution equipment
 ?  Debugging and installation guidance and transportation of the products we offered

Representative products/projects

 ?  Efficient hydraulic-model of pump
 ?  Energy-saving rollover flap valve
 ?  Axial pump
 ?  Mobile hydraulic driven pump unit
 ?  Water circulation pump for high temperature and Pressure
 ?  Salt chemical circulation pump
 ?  Double micro-computer (PLC) static excitation system for synchronous generator
 ?  Filter reactor
 ?  Harmonic control system

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