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Progress in grouting technology for seepage prevention and reinforcement in macroporous strata
Time: 2019-04-17 | Hits:

Abstract: Leakage is a common problem in hydropower projects and underground mines. For most proj-ects, much of the leakage is caused by a concentrated leakage channel formed by large pores. Grouting is an important way to solve the leakage problem of the projects. However, due to the difficulty of seepage prevention and reinforcement in macroporous formation, especially in the presence of moving water condi-tions, conventional grouting material is still unable to solve such problems economically and effectively. Based on the existing research results and according to the large pore formation leak characteristics, this paper sums up the quick coagulating paste-slurry, low thermal asphalt and other new grouting materials and grouting technology which have been effectively applied to the project, and can provide a useful refer-ence for solving the large pore formation seepage problem.

Keywords: macroporousstrata; quick coagulating paste-slurry; low thermal asphalt; grouting plugging

(Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Vol. 16, No. 5, 2018)


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