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Problems and countermeasures of cybersecurity on industrial control systems in water projects
Time: 2019-04-26 | Hits:

Abstract: In recent years, industrial control network security incidents have happened frequently, and in-creased year by year. The impact of security incidents is more and more serious, which even threatens na-tional security gradually. Water projects are an important part of the national key infrastructure. With the development of "China made 2025" and "two integration", more and more intelligent equipment, comput-er technology and network technology are applied to industrial control system, which make the industrial control system vulnerable to management network, Internet virus, Trojan horse and hacker. This paper intro-duces the main problems existing in the aspects of technology and management status, and the main cause of water industrial network security problems, focusing on the protection and safety of water work points of industrial control system network and security solutions, and with the control system of water power plant as an example gives the specific protection measures.

Keywords: Industrial control systems in hydro projects; industrial control systems cybersecurity; aggregated security countermeasure; risk assessment

(Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Vol. 16, No. 5, 2018)


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