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Research of hydropower project information modeling
Time: 2017-11-08 | Hits:

ZHAO Jiwei, WEI Qun and ZHANG Guoxin

China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China; North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450045, China

Abstract: The application of existing graphics technology in the field of water and hydropower projects does not have the integration of graphics and related attribute information, which is not conducive to the preservation and transmission of information. Based on BIM theory, this paper puts forward the essence and the overall framework of the hydropower project information modeling (HPIM), constructs the geometrical form of the project through the 3D geometry modeling engine and topology operation, and combines the graph cut operation with the data storage of the extended attribute, using the“XDATA” extended data to add the physical parameters and construction information as the additional attributes to the CAD graphics. The hydropower project information model is constructed, which lays the foundation for the application and data transfer in different stages of water and hydropower projects, and its development and needs are discussed.

Key words: BIM; information fusion; graphics construction; extended data; graphics information model

Published in: Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, No. 2, 2016

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