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Review of sorption of heavy metal contaminant on biochar
Time: 2017-11-08 | Hits:

XU Dongyu, ZHOU Huaidong and GAO Bo

Department of water environment, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China

Abstract: Biochar is a new sorbent, which attracts more attention on the research of their physicochemical characteristics and the sorption and immobilization of the heavy metal contaminant on the biochar. In this paper, the characteristic of biochar and the sorption and immobilization mechanism of heavy metal contaminant on the biochar are reviewed. In addition, the future study on biochar is prospected, so as to provide perspectives on applications of the biochar. After summarizing the previous literatures, we have found that contradiction still exists in the sorption mechanism of the heavy metals on the biochar. The heavy metal released research of the biochar-self toxicity and chemical modified biochar will become the new direction of the biochar research in the future. The research of the chemical modified biochar would improve the effectiveness and pertinence of biochar sorption capacity.

Key words: biochar; heavy metals; sorption; soil; water

Published in: Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, No. 1, 2016

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