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Review on powerhouse self-oscillation characteristics of a large-scale power station
Time: 2017-11-02 | Hits:

SHANG Yinlei,LI Deyu and OUYANG Jinhui

Earthquake Engineering Research Center, IWHR, Beijing 100048, China;Earthquake Engineering Research Center, IWHR, Beijing 100048, China;Earthquake Engineering Research Center, IWHR, Beijing 100048, China

Abstract: With the single-output and size of the hydropower turbines increasing day by day, especially the water head and rotational speed of the pumped storage power station improving continually, the hydrau-lic stability of the turbines and the structure vibration of the powerhouse as well as other problems have be-come increasingly prominent. From the three aspects of powerhouse structure vibration source, self-oscilla-tion characteristics and dynamic responses, the powerhouse vibration-related research and application achievement were summarized in this paper. The results show that creating a fluid-solid interaction finite el-ement model is of active significance for the powerhouse self-oscillation characteristics of a large-scale pow-er station.Also,some topics which are worth studying further were proposed.

Key words: self-oscillation characteristics;fluid-solid interaction;powerhouse structure;pressure fluctua-tions;influencing factor

Published in: Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, No. 1, 2016

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