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Evaluation of river health considering human restoration role
Time: 2016-08-17 | Hits:

WANG Jiabiao, LEI Xiaohui

State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water Cycle in River Basin, IWHR, Beijing 100038, China

Abstract: River restoration is an important way for human to protect river health. As an artificial measure, it can eliminate or reduce disturbance and improve the river characteristics in terms of hydrology and ecology, which can sustain and promote the healthy development of river. In order to quantify the influence of human restoration and find a new theoretical or technical support for river restoration and health evaluation, the human restoration to river was generalized to a new evaluation index in this paper. The fuzzy set pair analysis method was employed for the health comparative evaluation of Nanchang Section of the Ganjiang River. The results showed that the present health of Nanchang Section of Ganjiang River was in 7good8 status. When considering the human restoration, the health status had been improved to some extent, which was closer to the excellent status.

Key words: river health evaluation; human restoration; index; weight; fuzzy set pair

Published in: Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research Vol. 13 No.2, April, 2015

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