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Analysis of industry developments trend and its water use characteristics in Beijing
Time: 2016-08-17 | Hits:

CHE Jianming1, ZHANG Chunling2, FU Yicheng2, JIN Yan1

1. The Water Conservation Management Center of Beijing, Beijing 100036, China
2. China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China

Abstract: Based on the analysis of Beijing industry development's history as well as the current industrial water use amount and efficiency characteristics, the paper brought forward the future industrial development pattern in Beijing considering the situation of serious water resources shortage. Besides, the industry directory of which should be accordingly eliminated and which should be developed suitably was also listed in the paper. It provides reference for Beijing government to carry out city industrial optimization and transfer.

Key words: water use characteristics of industry; development pattern; eliminated industry directory; the developed industry of reasonable water use

Published in: Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research Vol. 13 No.2, April, 2015

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