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Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Time: 2017-05-19 | Hits:


Abstracts (in English, in .PDF)

All full papers of Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, though written in Chinese, have an abstract in English at the end of each paper. The pages with there abstracts are collected and compiled into a .pdf file, and can be opened or downloaded from the following links. Please note that texts other than the abstracts on these pages have been removed, while the original position of these abstracts moved up, for convenience of reading, but the page numbers are left unchanged.

 2016 (Vol. 47)    01   |   02   |   03   |   04   |   05   |   06   |   07   |   08   |   09   |   10   |   11   |   12   |

 2017 (Vol. 48)    01   |   02   |   03   |  04    |   05   |   06   |   07   |   08   |   09   |   10   |   11   |   12   |

 2018 (Vol. 49)    01   |   02   |   03   |  04    |   05   |   06   |   07   |   08   |   09   |   10   |   11   |   12   |

 2019 (Vol. 50)    01   |   02   |   03   |  04    |   05   |   06   |   07   |   08   |   09   |   10   |   11   |   12   |


English Name: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Chinese Name: 水利学报
Language: Chinese
Type: Monthly
Publication numbers: ISSN 0559-9350, CN 11-1882/TV
Year of first issue: 1956

President: KUANG Shangfu
Chief editor: CHENG Xiaotao

Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society (CHES)
Chinese National Committee on Large Dams (CHINCOLD)

Tel: +86-10-6878-6221/6919
Fax: +86-10-6878-6649

Read more:
 ·Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
 ·International Journal of Sediment Research
 ·International Soil and Water Conservation Research
 ·China Flood and Drought Management


A-1 Fuxing Road,Haidian District,100038 Beijing; +86-10-68781650 (office); +86-10-68412316 (fax);

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