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发布时间: 2011-07-22      来源: 崔亦昊      点击:

魁北克水电公司发电部(Hydro-Québec Production)负责公司59座水电站(全公司共拥有60座水电站,另有一座由输电部管理)、571座水坝(按ICOLD标准,其中380座属大坝)的运行与安全管理。公司一直高度重视大坝的安全运行问题,2010年制定并已开始实施了一个为期10年的大坝安全技术创新规划(Dam Safety Technologic Plan 2010-2020)。该规划以实际工程安全管理技术需求为导向,开展应用基础和实用技术研发。近十几年来,随着社会经济的发展,我国越来越重视水库大坝的安全管理问题,“重建轻管”现象得到了很大的改善,一大批病险水库得到了除险加固,消除了安全隐患。但是,如何不断提高水库大坝的安全管理技术水平,促进安全管理工作仍然是一项长期的任务。魁北克水电公司的大坝安全技术创新规划具有鲜明的特色,非常值得我们借鉴。




1、In the new Technological Plan 2010-2020 for Dam Safety :

(1)Emphasis on our mission and basic activities of the Hydro-Quebec Dam Safety process (Drift from Underwater Robotics )

(2)Synergy must be developed between : Internal HQ Expertise  + HQ Research  Institute + Universities research centres + Other international organisms (IWHR, Électricité de France,….)

(3)Principal axes of R&D: Seismic analysis  – Residual Resistance of existing dams - New and more robust mathematical modeling –  Flood management relative to climatic change,…

(4)Portfolio of R&D projects  :

Portfolio is built on 3 axes : Engineering Data – Materials under great deformations – Physical and mathematical modeling

2、Engineering Data R&D Projects :

(1)Shear Parameters of concrete and rock foundations : After many in-situ and laboratory tests, now time for generalisation of data relative to macro conditions of the site. 

(2)Integration of data relative to extreme hydrologic events : This project is built in relation with climate change. Data relative to climate change for the next 25-50 years is coming from the Ouranos project. R&D will include :

*  Revision of strategic operations of multi-annual reservoirs,

*  New design criteria for spillways to be built,

*  New rules for capacity adequation of existing spillways, and mitigation measures

3、Numerical Modeling:

(1)Failure Mechanisms of dams :  This project will cover the failure mechanisms and defense systems of different structures, including dams, spillways and strategic infrastructures.

(2)Seismic Analysis of dams and their foundations : Main topics to be addressed: selection of adequate seismic parameters, investigation techniques adapted to site conditions, and new analysis approach adapted to  specific seismologic and tectonics conditions of the North-East America (mainly for liquefaction of soils).

(3)Improvements of Hydraulic simulation models:

With emphasis on :  interfaces between 1D and 2D models, erosion process  with mobile hydraulic cross-section ,…and mostly big challenges relative to determine an overall uncertainties covering the whole hydraulic simulation process.

(4)Improve knowledge and specific tools for evaluating residual safety of existing structures:

*A sound Asset Management must be based on a comprehensive diagnosis of actual and residual state of existing structures

*In very complex case like the Manic-5 Dam, actual knowledge on structural analysis and complex modeling tools does not permit to make an adequate evaluation of the actual state, and the residual safety of the dam

*Very expensive interventions may not be required as projected

*The Manic-5 Dam and RO-2 Dam Study-cases

Manic-5 Dam:

Very complex simulation model to assess the residual safety at the bottom of the arch

RO-2 Dam:

Design of ACRD Romaine-2 with a numerical model using FLAC-2D commercial software and The Duncan-Chang and Escuder Modified Hyperbolic constitutive models.

A typical Shear Stress from the model

The proposed innovation project is based on two major components :

Development of comprehensive "coupled-modeling"  based on multi-physical boundaries, and multi-scale approaches. Most realistic physical interfaces to be developed: hydraulical-geotechnical, reservoir-structures, foundations-structures interface,… New constitutive laws must be developed, in respect of rules of mechanics for continuous medium.

    Better knowledge of Stress-Strain on different materials (soils, concrete, steel, visco-plastic materials,..), and mostly in non-linear and great deformations zones.
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